{Healthy Fuel}: Snacks

if we are gone from our homes all day, let’s try to take healthy, light food choices with us for snacks.

this is a very big deal because it is those in-between times during the day that our resolve to ‘do this thing!’ begins to crumble.  we begin to get tired, stressed, unappreciated, hurried, you name it and the dreaded munchies rear their ugly heads!

we can even convince ourselves we ‘deserve’ that zillion calorie, zero nutrition apple fritter because of ‘what we are having to endure.’  then afterwards we feel more defeated, sluggish, depressed and bummed out.

sooooo, let’s take a couple of things we love to eat and makes us feel like dancing around because it’s such great fuel for our bodies.

then we win!  big smile 🙂

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